Rebirth of Slick

“Slick John Rogers,” also known as “Slick J,” was a well-known figure in the East Vancouver community. His full name was John Rome Perez Rogers, and he was born on January 8, 1973. Rogers was an entertainer and a beloved local personality, remembered for his contributions to the arts and community events. He tragically passed away on April 29, 2001. Friends and family recall him as a vibrant and impactful individual in the local cultural scene​ (Remembering Vancouver Sun and Province)​​ (Belfast News Letter)​.

John Rogers’ legacy is marked by his influence and the fond memories of those who knew him. If you’re interested in more specific aspects of his life or contributions, please provide additional comments!

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4 Replies to “Rebirth of Slick”

  1. Yes, clones keep 99.99999 percent of their memories

    but if u take a clone from a clone the DNA corrupts, like Michael Keaton in multiplicity.

    Most people want a GOLD CROSS life insurance plan….take some hairs from the grave and clone. So if you get into a fiery car accident or killed in a World Trade Center thermite attack u always have the original body for cloning.

    like the weed mother plant.

  2. Yes Pappy Lenny. Dolly the Sheep was cloned in 1996.

    The protocols call it “RUTHLESS SUPPRESSION”.

    like they suppressed Tesla’s electric car for over a hundred years.

    The elder save the hidden technology for Moshiach.

    Rothschild wants his nephew David or his son Nathaniel to be the Moshiach.

    Their plan is to rule the world from Jerusalem for a thousand years.

    Hitler Third Reich thousand year Revelation 20 shit.

  3. I know what people call me behind my back: JEWEY LUIS

    The lions on my gate give away my royal blood line.

    Fuck the Illuminati SOS

    I want to be the one who give the 13 bloodlines the DEATH BLOW

    But Madonna says put the Rex Mundi in JAIL for a thousand years.

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